July 2024: Luton Airport Expansion Application Update

The Examining Authority has submitted their report on the London Luton Airport expansion application & the decision by the Secretary of State has been deferred until 4th October 2024 unless the new government decides upon a different timeline.

February 2024: Luton Airport Planning Examination Complete

The Examining Authority has now completed their assessment of the Luton Airport Expansion proposal & will advise the result of their deliberations by 10th May 2024.

June 2023: IMPORTANT: Register for London Luton Airport Expansion Opposition

The Planning Inspectorate [PI] has initiated the consultancy process for approving, or rejecting, the Luton Airport planned expansion from18million to 32million passengers annually, which approximates to another 250 flights per DAY with all that means for air pollution road traffic & disturbance over & around Harpenden. Consequently, HarpendenSky plans to oppose this expansion & if you wish to become informed by the PI on project updates & have your say, you must first register [see link below] by 23 June latest.

PI Registration: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/eastern/london-luton-airport-expansion/?ipcsection=relreps Go to the PI website then Click on “Register to have your say” & indicate briefly your objections which may include disturbance, road traffic, pollution. Later in the process at the PI Examination stage you will be given the opportunity to expand on your objections but only if you have registered.

More Information on LLA Expansion at the PI: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/eastern/london-luton-airport-expansion

Many thanks. Please let me know if you have any questions & remember the registration deadline is 23 June.

April 2023: Luton Airport Expansion to 32M Passengers Proposal

HarpendenSky is engaged in responding to the Luton Airport expansion proposal to increase passenger numbers & flights by nearly 80%. The Luton Airport already emits c2million tonnes of CO2 annually from existing operations so this expansion will be a catastrophe. The Climate Change Committee [CCC] Sixth Carbon Budget Report argues there is no net increase in UK airport capacity required to meet the Government's net zero objective.

November 2020: Herts County Council Robustly Rejects Luton Airport Expansion Plans

The Luton Airport CEO Alberto Martin has opened a consultation on raising the airport passenger limit to 19million per annum, despite the airport running today at around 33% of the present capacity limit. In addition, Mr Martin is supporting the Luton Borough Council plan to increase capacity further to 32million passengers per annum.

Hertfordshire County Council [HCC] has now sent a robust 18page rejection of the Luton Airport plans including "very serious concerns relating to the mis-management of the operations of LLA resulting in it failing to comply with its 2014 planning consent and the knock-on adverse implications this has had for communities".

HCC recently launched the "Sustainable Hertfordshire Strategy 2020" which includes the short-term ambition "clean air for all by 2030", but as highlighted by Neil MacArthur Chairman of HarpendenSky "This significant and laudable HCC aim supported by 1,000s of Hertfordshire residents is clearly threatened by Luton Airport and airport owner Luton Borough Council planning for substantial airtraffic growth over the same period".

Luton Airport currently emits c2.2million tonnes of CO2 plus another c200,000 tonnes of other greenhouse gasses, and the projection is for this appalling level of pollution to almost double with planned expansion in operation.

Derrick Ashley, Herts County Councillor, Executive Member, Growth, Infrastructure, Planning & the Economy stated to HarpendenSky "We remain extremely concerned over the impact of an expanded Luton Airport both on residents through inadequate access and particularly on the wider environmental impact of noise and pollution. In the current climate, low cost flying is not an option for a sustainable future".

Bim Afolami MP for Harpenden & Hatfield similarly stated "London Luton Airport Limited's plan to work around previous planning conditions to increase passenger numbers from 18million to 19million is poorly timed and ill-judged. I am firmly opposed".


HarpendenSky is an environmental protection campaign with the aim to reduce emissions and noise from Luton Airport flights, plus related road traffic, in and around the town of Harpenden in Hertfordshire. HarpendenSky is fully supported by Bim Afolami MP, Harpenden Town Council and Hertfordshire County Council.

Reference HCC Sustainable Hertfordshire Strategy


Read the Full Herts County Council Response To Luton Airport expansion here

November 2020: MP SUPPORT: Opposition To Luton Airport Proposal To Increase Passenger Numbers To 19million per Annum

Bim Afolami MP firmly opposed to Luton Airport's plans to increase passenger numbers to 19 million.

Bim Afolami MP has outlined his opposition towards Luton Airport's latest consultation on increasing air passenger numbers to 19 million.

"London Luton Airport Limited's plan to work around previous planning conditions to increase passenger numbers from 18million to 19million is poorly timed and ill-judged. I remain firmly opposed.

Luton Airport and Luton Borough Council are currently facing immense financial hardship. The idea that doubling down on airport expansion will alleviate these pressures and help them to balance their books is misguided. Existing conditions minimise the impact from increased traffic and pollution on neighbouring towns and villages in our constituency. We should not have to pay the price for Luton Borough Council's poor financial planning.

I welcome all local residents and constituents to fill in this consultation to highlight their opposition at http://www.luton19mppa.info/

October 2020 - IMPORTANT ALERT: Luton Airport Expansion Now Being Planned: Need To React

HarpendenSky.com needs your support to robustly oppose this Luton Airport expansion proposal which is detailed below.

London Luton Airport [LLA] are now consulting on a proposed increase to the passenger limit from 18million to 19million passengers per year which approximates to another 800 Luton flights annually & several 1,000s of vehicle journeys, which will adversely affect Harpenden. This is despite the original planning permission for LLA growth to 18million passengers was not due to be reached until 2028 by which time:

[a] QUIETER & MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY EFFICIENT aircraft would be in general service
[b] There would be significantly more LOW EMISSION electric vehicles operating to & from Luton airport
[c] South of England CHANGES TO AIRTRAFFIC ROUTINGS would be in place to reduce LLA airtraffic noise & environmental impact.

However, Luton Borough Council [LBC] who are the ultimate airport owners & the planning authority in this case, did not attempt to restrain the airport expansion to within the planning limit of 18million passengers by 2028, which was achieved one year ago, and that was 9 years ahead of the original planning permission.

Therefore the important fact to consider is that LLA & LBC clearly cannot be trusted so we need a very robust protest!

May we request you take these actions:

[a] respond to the short LLA expansion consultation questionnaire at http://www.luton19mppa.info/ see Consultation Document & Complete Survey. The expiry date is 11 November 2355hrs.
[b] email your Harpenden MP Bim Afolami bim.afolami.mp@parliament.uk to ensure he will oppose the expansion [with an request for acknowledgement]
[c] email your local Harpenden District Councillor to ensure the town takes a similar approach to the objection https://www.hitchinandharpendenconservatives.co.uk/people/type/District-Councillors?page=1 [with a request for acknowledgement]
[d] email Teresa Heritage at Hertfordshire County Council teresa.heritage@hertfordshire.gov.uk with a similar request for the Hertfordshire County Council to oppose the expansion [with a request for acknowledgement]

June 2023: Luton Airport Expansion Means c200 More Flights Daily

Luton Airport [LA] has applied for development consent to raise the passenger limit from 18m passengers per annum to 32m which means c200 additional flights per day many of which will be over or around Harpenden. The main issues for opposition are resident health arising from increased air pollution, particularly vulnerable groups, and disturbance from low altitude flightpaths. To have your say please click here

April 2023: Luton Airport Expansion to 32M Passengers Proposal

HarpendenSky is engaged in responding to the Luton Airport expansion proposal to increase passenger numbers & flights by nearly 80%. The Luton Airport already emits c2million tonnes of CO2 annually from existing operations so this expansion will be a catastrophe. The Climate Change Committee [CCC] Sixth Carbon Budget Report argues there is no net increase in UK airport capacity required to meet the Government's net zero objective.

November 2020: Herts County Council Robustly Rejects Luton Airport Expansion Plans

The Luton Airport CEO Alberto Martin has opened a consultation on raising the airport passenger limit to 19million per annum, despite the airport running today at around 33% of the present capacity limit. In addition, Mr Martin is supporting the Luton Borough Council plan to increase capacity further to 32million passengers per annum.

Hertfordshire County Council [HCC] has now sent a robust 18page rejection of the Luton Airport plans including "very serious concerns relating to the mis-management of the operations of LLA resulting in it failing to comply with its 2014 planning consent and the knock-on adverse implications this has had for communities".

HCC recently launched the "Sustainable Hertfordshire Strategy 2020" which includes the short-term ambition "clean air for all by 2030", but as highlighted by Neil MacArthur Chairman of HarpendenSky "This significant and laudable HCC aim supported by 1,000s of Hertfordshire residents is clearly threatened by Luton Airport and airport owner Luton Borough Council planning for substantial airtraffic growth over the same period".

Luton Airport currently emits c2.2million tonnes of CO2 plus another c200,000 tonnes of other greenhouse gasses, and the projection is for this appalling level of pollution to almost double with planned expansion in operation.

Derrick Ashley, Herts County Councillor, Executive Member, Growth, Infrastructure, Planning & the Economy stated to HarpendenSky "We remain extremely concerned over the impact of an expanded Luton Airport both on residents through inadequate access and particularly on the wider environmental impact of noise and pollution. In the current climate, low cost flying is not an option for a sustainable future".

Bim Afolami MP for Harpenden & Hatfield similarly stated "London Luton Airport Limited's plan to work around previous planning conditions to increase passenger numbers from 18million to 19million is poorly timed and ill-judged. I am firmly opposed".


HarpendenSky is an environmental protection campaign with the aim to reduce emissions and noise from Luton Airport flights, plus related road traffic, in and around the town of Harpenden in Hertfordshire. HarpendenSky is fully supported by Bim Afolami MP, Harpenden Town Council and Hertfordshire County Council.

Reference HCC Sustainable Hertfordshire Strategy


Read the Full Herts County Council Response To Luton Airport expansion here

November 2020: MP SUPPORT: Opposition To Luton Airport Proposal To Increase Passenger Numbers To 19million per Annum

Bim Afolami MP firmly opposed to Luton Airport's plans to increase passenger numbers to 19 million.

Bim Afolami MP has outlined his opposition towards Luton Airport's latest consultation on increasing air passenger numbers to 19 million.

"London Luton Airport Limited's plan to work around previous planning conditions to increase passenger numbers from 18million to 19million is poorly timed and ill-judged. I remain firmly opposed.

Luton Airport and Luton Borough Council are currently facing immense financial hardship. The idea that doubling down on airport expansion will alleviate these pressures and help them to balance their books is misguided. Existing conditions minimise the impact from increased traffic and pollution on neighbouring towns and villages in our constituency. We should not have to pay the price for Luton Borough Council's poor financial planning.

I welcome all local residents and constituents to fill in this consultation to highlight their opposition at http://www.luton19mppa.info/

October 2020 - IMPORTANT ALERT: Luton Airport Expansion Now Being Planned: Need To React

HarpendenSky.com needs your support to robustly oppose this Luton Airport expansion proposal which is detailed below.

London Luton Airport [LLA] are now consulting on a proposed increase to the passenger limit from 18million to 19million passengers per year which approximates to another 800 Luton flights annually & several 1,000s of vehicle journeys, which will adversely affect Harpenden. This is despite the original planning permission for LLA growth to 18million passengers was not due to be reached until 2028 by which time:

[a] QUIETER & MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY EFFICIENT aircraft would be in general service
[b] There would be significantly more LOW EMISSION electric vehicles operating to & from Luton airport
[c] South of England CHANGES TO AIRTRAFFIC ROUTINGS would be in place to reduce LLA airtraffic noise & environmental impact.

However, Luton Borough Council [LBC] who are the ultimate airport owners & the planning authority in this case, did not attempt to restrain the airport expansion to within the planning limit of 18million passengers by 2028, which was achieved one year ago, and that was 9 years ahead of the original planning permission.

Therefore the important fact to consider is that LLA & LBC clearly cannot be trusted so we need a very robust protest!

May we request you take these actions:

[a] respond to the short LLA expansion consultation questionnaire at http://www.luton19mppa.info/ see Consultation Document & Complete Survey. The expiry date is 11 November 2355hrs.
[b] email your Harpenden MP Bim Afolami bim.afolami.mp@parliament.uk to ensure he will oppose the expansion [with an request for acknowledgement]
[c] email your local Harpenden District Councillor to ensure the town takes a similar approach to the objection https://www.hitchinandharpendenconservatives.co.uk/people/type/District-Councillors?page=1 [with a request for acknowledgement]
[d] email Teresa Heritage at Hertfordshire County Council teresa.heritage@hertfordshire.gov.uk with a similar request for the Hertfordshire County Council to oppose the expansion [with a request for acknowledgement]

April 2020 - The Future Impact Of Luton Airtraffic On Harpenden

There are two significant projects underway that will potentially increase the impact of Luton airtraffic upon residents unless there is strong and focused opposition.

[Project #1] New Luton Airtraffic Routings: FASI-S
A new airtraffic route design known as Future Airspace Strategy Implementation - South [FASI-S] has been commenced by Luton Airport with the Civil Aviation Authority. FASI-S route options are now being reviewed with stakeholders like www.HarpendenSky.com who aim to oppose a considerable increase in Luton airtraffic emissions and noise affecting Harpenden residents.

[Project #2] Luton Airport Expansion: Development Consent Order [DCO]
Campaigning has resulted in Herts County Council, St Albans District Council, Harpenden Town Council, and Bim Afolami MP formally opposing Luton Airport expansion managed by London Luton Airport Limited [LLAL].

LLAL has applied for a Development Consent Order [DCO] through the Planning Inspectorate [PI]. Concerned residents should register with the PI for email updates on the DCO progress and to be invited to consultation stages: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/eastern/expansion-of-london-luton-airport/

Register For Updates
HarpendenSky.com is the local campaign focused upon reducing the environmental emissions and noise impact of airtraffic on residents. To register for local updates go to www.HarpendenSky.com.

Luton Airport Expansion Public Consultation

HarpendenSky want to remind you that there is a Luton Airport expansion public consultation going on now called Future Luton www.futureluton.llal.org.uk which covers the planned expansion of Luton Airport by Luton Borough Council [LBC] & London Luton Airport Limited [LLAL] a council subsidiary company. The aim is to grow passenger capacity from 18million, which is due to be achieved in 2020, to 32million with the consequential increase in airtraffic noise & carbon emissions.

If you object to this plan then please respond to the Future Luton consultation using the website & attend the LLAL meeting in Redbourn between 2pm & 8pm Wednesday 27th November at the Redbourn Village Hall AL3 7LW if you want to discuss key issues with the airport owners. There are several reasons for opposing the proposal which you may want to use in your response to the consultation.

[1] Outdated Justification: The LLAL justification for Luton Airport expansion is based upon the outdated Department for Transport [DfT] UK Aviation Forecast 2017. In the past 2 years there has been a significant change in public attitude to flights based upon reducing carbon emissions. In Sweden for example, there has been an 8% reduction in airline passengers so far in 2019 with travellers moving to the train & according to the International Air Transport Association [IATA] a Brexit impact could reduce the DfT forecast by 25million passengers per year. Consequently, there should be an immediate halt to the consultation & a revised passenger growth forecast independently provided that accounts for current conditions.

[2] Greenhouse Gas Emissions Under Reported: The information provided by LLAL in the airport expansion consultation does not include an Air Quality Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] so the airport & related road traffic greenhouse gas emissions [GHG], both currently & as a consequence of the expansion, are not known. LBC does not report CO2 emissions [the largest GHG] from the 1,000s of vehicles travelling to & from the airport every day & LLAOL does not report the GHG emissions from ground operations at the airport which covers 80%+ of total GHG pollution. What is the current & forecast impact of GHG emissions for Luton Airport employees & passengers, & what is the contingent liability? Consequently, the LLAL consultation should be halted now until the public, airport employees & unions are able to view this critical data as the basis for a response.

[3] Passenger Growth Covered By Other Airports: An independent HarpendenSky analysis shows that the already planned capacity increase by Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted & London City airports will more than cover the DfT forecasted demand for passenger growth across the entire United Kingdom where there are another 30+ airports! It is clear that LLAL are trying to rush through this planning consultation before these other airport investments negate the need for Luton Airport to expand. Consequently, the expansion plan should be halted until the updated growth data is available.

[4] No Airtraffic Noise Or Environmental Relief: Regulator grounding of the Boeing 737-MAX will significantly affect the potential for Luton airtraffic noise & emissions reduction. Currently less than 1% of Luton Airport flights are the new generation aircraft & it will be many years before there are significant numbers to make a noticeable impact on either noise or carbon emissions. Therefore there should be no further expansion until more than 75% of aircraft are the lower noise & reduced emissions model.

[5] Financial Risk: Bearing in mind the outdated DfT forecast, LBC & LLAL are now facing a significantly higher financial risk in funding further expansion which is not now justified by the passenger growth data. This risk is substantial with infrastructure cost already climbing including over ?200million in the Direct Airport Rail Transit [DART] system under construction now. This situation is brought about by the complete conflict of interest that exists with LBC being responsible for resident environmental safety yet driving for growth in airport capacity that will increase GHG emissions.

Luton Borough Council Conflicting Aims On Carbon Emission Neutrality Yet Airport Expansion

Carbon Neutral Target
Councilor Tom Shaw Luton Borough Council [LBC] portfolio holder for the environment stated online "We [LBC] are not only going to set an ambitious target to make the council carbon neutral, but we are going to work across political parties and as leaders of the town to ensure all of our partners do the same". Then in October, London Luton Airport Limited [LLAL], a council subsidiary that owns Luton Airport, started a consultation process aimed at expanding the airport passenger capacity from 18milltion currently to 32million.

Conflicting Aims
There is a conflict-of-interest which goes all the way to the top of LBC where the CEO Robin Porter has now taken on the role of CEO for LLAL, the council company that owns the airport. He has overall responsibility for accelerating Luton Airport expansion with consequences for pollution growth, and simultaneously achieving Cllr Tom Shaw's zero carbon emissions target.

There are signs that this conflict-of-interest at the top is affecting environmental management operations at both LBC and the airport. For example, LBC Environmental Management does not measure carbon dioxide [CO2] emissions from road traffic to and from the airport, yet CO2 is 70%+ of greenhouse gases. Similarly, Luton Airport Operations does not publish CO2 data arising from aircraft ground operations which is 90% of airport emissions.

Management Change
HarpendenSky suggest that the fundamental issue driving this conflict-of-interest is the dual-CEO role held by Robin Porter. The responsibilities must be separated. It is impossible to reconcile a carbon emissions polluter with a zero-emissions target over the same time period.

HarpendenSky is an environmental protection campaign with the aim to reduce the impact of airtraffic in and around the town of Harpenden in Hertfordshire. It is fully supported by Bim Afolami MP, local politicians and the town council.

November 2019: STOP The Luton Airport Expansion Consultation Until Emissions Data Is Fully Reported

Luton Borough Council [LBC] and London Luton Operations [LLAOL] under report greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions from road traffic to and from the airport, and airport ground operations.

The most significant GHG by volume is Carbon Dioxide [CO2] which LBC does not include in the emissions monitoring of 1,000s of airport-related vehicles per day. Similarly, LLAOL does not publish CO2 emissions data from Luton airtraffic ground operations, where CO2 will be present in high concentrations.

A critical factor arising from the London Luton Airport Limited [LLAL] consultation report on Air Quality is that they have no intention of monitoring CO2, despite the 1,000s of tones of this pollutant being emitted, and it being classified as a substance hazardous to health by the Health & Safety Executive. In fact, the best practice GHG Protocol for carbon footprint emissions, used by Heathrow airport and others, requires reporting in tones of CO2 equivalent [tCO2e], so the impact of CO2 cannot be ignored.

HarpendenSky chairman Neil MacArthur says "The LLAL consultation must now be stopped until CO2 is agreed as a GHG to be monitored as part of Air Quality, and the full impact reported based upon the current situation, and in future, as a consequence of the proposed expansion to 32million passengers. Residents, LLAOL employees and unions will then be able to make a reasoned judgment and positive contribution to the consultation".

He went on the say "How can the public or airport employees make any analysis from the LLAL consultation without comprehensive Air Quality data. New reports are being regularly published showing the health impact of poor air quality, such as Kings College London in October 2019 stating "hundreds more people have heart attacks, strokes or asthma attacks on days where air pollution levels are high". Therefore, to not even report CO2 is a complete disregard of the LBC duty-of-care for resident and employee health based upon managing the environment.

HarpendenSky is an environmental protection campaign with the aim to reduce the impact of airtraffic in and around the town of Harpenden in Hertfordshire. It is fully supported by Bim Afolami MP, local politicians and the town council.

July 2019: Is The Real Environmental Impact Of Luton Airport Being Concealed?

North Hertfordshire and Luton Bedfordshire residents should be concerned that the most significant greenhouse gas (GHG) attributable to Luton Airport is not being measured. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the largest GHG and is generated primarily from combustion of fossil fuels used by, for example, motor vehicles and aircraft.

According to the BBC Weather Centre "CO2 accounts for the largest proportion of the trace gases and is currently responsible for 60% of the enhanced greenhouse effect". The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) states that "CO2 is the most problematic greenhouse gas".

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Due To Luton Airport
There are two major contributors to GHG emissions as a result of Luton Airport: the airtraffic on-the-ground and related road transport including passengers. The London Luton Airport Operations Limited (LLAOL) Annual Monitoring Report under Air Quality only refers "particulates and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)" generated onsite, which is a relatively small overall GHG emission contributor.

St Albans Green Councillor Simon Grover told HarpendenSky "Luton Airport and the Borough Council are completely ignoring the major sources of pollution from the airport operations - namely, the planes on the ground and the cars bringing people to and from the airport. It's essential that the authorities measure this pollution and act to reduce it. Such a reduction is completely incompatible with expanding the airport, which cannot be allowed to happen."

LLAOL does respond to requests for direct GHG emission data from their onsite operations, excluding airtraffic, which was 19,076 tonnes of carbon in 2018. However, this onsite scope contributes under10% of GHG emissions based upon analysis at other airports. The data does not appear in the LLAOL Annual or Quarterly Monitoring Reports on Air Quality.

CO2 Impact From Road Traffic Not Measured
The road traffic impact on CO2 levels generated by Luton Airport passengers, employees, and suppliers, is not measured by Luton Borough Council (LBC) as it is "not a pollutant covered by the Local Air Quality Management regime".

Consequently, there seems to be no data to show the overall impact of the most significant greenhouse gas CO2 from the airport plus related road traffic, to paint the true environmental impact on local Luton and north Hertfordshire residents. LBC Environment and Planning do state online that "the main source of air pollution in Luton is road transport" but they do not analyze the major causes of airtraffic, for example, Luton Airport passengers.

Increased Nitrogen Dioxide Pollution
HarpendenSky suggest this is very disturbing, as according to the 2018 Luton Airport Monitoring Report, which covers just the airport operations, there has been a c61% increase in NO2 at the passenger Drop-Off Zone between 2015 and 2018, due to the significant rise in road traffic from accelerated airport growth.

Bearing in mind the Drop-Off Zone is for motor vehicles, then the increased CO2 impact from local road traffic, both to and from the airport, must be very significant as it would grow in proportion to rising passenger numbers and NO2 emissions. However, there is no CO2 data.

There is also the indirect impact of increased airport-related road traffic that causes congestion and pollution elsewhere in the local Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire area. In 2018, Luton Friends Of The Earth conducted tests for one month from March to April, and claimed that their results showed that the Vauxhall Way/Crawley Green Road junction close-by the airport was at an "illegal" NO2 pollution level compared to the EU legal mean level.

Urgent Action Is Required
HarpendenSky Chairman Neil MacArthur says "There is more than enough evidence to show that the true environmental impact of Luton Airport at its current capacity is being concealed. CO2 is a poisonous greenhouse gas being generated in high volume but no-one knows how high".

"It is therefore vital that LBC and Luton Airport both start to comprehensively monitor CO2 emissions from the airport, and related road traffic in line with the GHG Protocol standard. Consequently the full environmental impact of Luton Airport can then be understood, and tackled, as there is no action without data and analysis".

No Expansion Without Environmental Action
CO2 emissions from Luton Airport and related road traffic must be taken into account in the consultation process for the planned further Luton Airport expansion from 18million to over 30mllion passengers. It is inconceivable that expansion could take place without a significant reduction in emissions including CO2.

HarpendenSky is the environmental campaign aiming to protect the residents of Harpenden in Hertfordshire from Luton Airport noise and pollution. For more information please contact Neil MacArthur 07798 641164 www.HarpendenSky.com.

May 2019: Luton Application To Increase Nightflight Noise

Luton Airport [LA] want Luton Borough Council [LBC] planning department to approve a relaxation of the night flight limits that would allow additional night-time airtraffic that will affect Harpenden residents. There is no respite through quieter aircraft or increased airtraffic height or directional change. In addition, Luton Airport has submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] ahead of a proposed planning application to further raise the capacity for Luton Airport from 18million to 32million passengers per annum. This email request is about the night flights & more to follow later on the airport expansion.

The response deadline is 17th May 2019.

[1] What does Luton Airport Want To Do?
Increase the size of the area covered by night flights & the associated noise by 20% for the next 5 years.

[2] How Many Additional Homes Will Be Affected?
5,000+ dwellings will be newly affected by noise & the flight frequency will continue to increase therefore further affecting residents already dealing with the issue.

[3] How Do You Object?
This is the process for objecting which we believe is deliberately complex.
[a] Go to the Luton Borough Council planning site https://planning.luton.gov.uk/online-applications/
[b] Select the REGISTER button & enter your details
[c] Click on the link in the confirmation email to formally complete registration
[d] Login & enter the REFERENCE 15/00950/VARCON & click SEARCH
[e] Select the first entry "Application to Vary Condition 10"
[f] Select the documents if you want to see the detail [see LLAOL ES Volume 1 Non-Technical Summary]
[g] Reason is Noise & Disturbance & select Object
[h] Enter your view under MAKE A COMMENT

This was the HarpendenSky comment: We object in the strongest terms to this application on these grounds. [1] When the LBC planning conditions were set-up in 2013 the LBC councillors who voted in favour of LA expansion were reassured the planning conditions were sufficient protection for communities - they should therefore remain in force as originally drafted [2] The number of LA flights has significantly exceeded the original planning volume per annum so LBC/LLAL/LLAOL all knew the planning condition would be breached & there has been NO noise relief for residents to compensate [3] The number of NEO aircraft at LA has in no way provided any relief as the expansion has exceeded the rate of NEO introduction [4] The EIA in no way describes the significance of the Condition 10 variation noise impact upon the existing residents & the 5,000+ additional homes that will be affected [5] The 5,000+ additional residents who will now be newly affected by the proposed Condition 10 variation must be INDIVIDUALLY informed & provided with the means to object.

HarpendenSky is working with other campaign groups to similarly oppose this plan.

Many thanks & let me know if you have any questions. Please pass this note on to any neighbours who may be concerned.

March 2019

Luton Airport Expansion Doesn't Add Up

According to this HarpendenSky analysis, further expansion of London Luton Airport is not justified as more than enough demand for passenger growth is being provided by other airports in the south east of England.

Too Much Capacity
The Department for Transport [DfT] 2017 United Kingdom forecast is for an additional 20 million to 50 million passengers by 2025 [source DfT UK Aviation Forecast 2017].

However, the south east England airport CEOs alone are looking for planning permission and investment to generate an additional c87million passenger capacity at the 5 main airports, and this excludes any capacity growth at the other 24 UK airports which are included in the DfT forecast figures.

Airport Current Capacity New Investment Impact By 2025 Increase
Heathrow 78million 130million (third runway) 52million
Gatwick 45million 53million 8million
Stanstead 26million 43million 17million
Luton 16million 24million 8million
London City 2million 4million 2million
TOTAL 167million 254million 87million
Source: Airport Websites: Passenger Capacity Planning Information

Growth Already Covered
So when comparing the DfT forecast with ONLY the five south east England airport companies planned investment in capacity growth, there is ALREADY a significant 37million to 67million passenger OVER capacity by 2025.

The 2012 planning application made by London Luton Airport Operations Limited [LLAOL] for expansion of London Luton Airport mentioned that "LLAOL is seeking planning permission to instigate the growth of the Airport in order to enhance the experience for passengers and provide additional capacity in line with Department for Transport [DfT] projections for passenger growth". Well clearly, the other 4 South East airports have already more than satisfied the DfT growth demand.

Endorsed By Harpenden MP
This analysis is further confirmed by Bim Afolami MP For Harpenden & Hitchin who stated in July 2018 "Heathrow expansion will mean less of a need, from a national strategic perspective, for significant growth of regional airports such as Luton. I expect that Heathrow will crowd out investment in small airports in and around the South East".

June 2018 CAA Survey Of Luton Airtraffic Routing Affecting Harpenden

The Civil Aviation Authority [CAA] has been conducting the Luton westerly departures "Runway 26 Post Implementation Review [PIR]" on the RNAV routing since Oct17 which includes accounting for the massive volume of noise complaints received & particularly the number of new complainants as that indicates the increasing scale of opposition to the excessive noise being generated. There are 3 possible CAA PIR outcomes: [a] RNAV has worked & no further action required [b] RNAV has not worked & remedial actions are necessary [c] RNAV has not worked & return to the prior distribution model where possible. We suggest [b] is the preferred option & need your vote in the CAA survey at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LutonBPKSIDs

If you don't understand the survey question because it uses technical jargon then make that point clear in your comments. In our view it is ridiculous that the CAA expects the public to be familiar with some of the term complexity. May we also recommend you encourage the Harpenden MP Bim Afolami to participate bim.afolami.mp@parliament.uk & lobby the CAA appropriately. We suggest you send your response by 22 June latest.

March 2018

Luton Borough Council [LBC] & London Luton Airport Limited [LLAL] In Harpenden: 17 May
LBC & their subsidiary LLAL are in Harpenden to discuss Luton Airport Expansion with residents & tickets [free] are available at www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/luton-airport-expansion-tickets-42032548484. In addition to protesting the airtraffic noise issue, Luton has been accorded the status of 4th most traffic congested city in UK [Source INRIX Research 2018]. The airport is a significant generator of road traffic so there is a double whammy of pollution from aircraft & vehicles. The LLAL New Century Park development adjacent to the airport is currently in the planning phase & will add c3,000 more cars to the local congestion. The reckless expansion is coming at a significant environmental cost & the pollution does not stay in Luton!. This should be one line of protest.

Heathrow Airport Expansion Consulting
Heathrow Airport is now consulting on their expansion plans & you have the opportunity to participate at www.heathrowconsultation.com until 28 March - we are suggesting clicking the category that will affect Harpenden residents which is "Airspace Principles Consultation" where there is a document that explains the process & options. This category governs the manner in which airtraffic from the expanded Heathrow will be managed. The main effect currently of Heathrow airtraffic is to prevent Luton departing aircraft from maximising their continuous climb rate so Luton departures lumber along at 3-4,000 feet causing disturbance along west, south & east of the town, therefore that should be the primary focus of your response in addition to any other points you want to make. On p20 of the document are the response options where the simplest is the online address.

Luton Airport Focus Group: HarpendenSky Excluded
Luton Airport has barred HarpendenSky from participating in a Focus Group that discusses & concludes the optimum approach to noise & pollution despite St Albans Quieter Skies [STAQS] & LADACAN being invited to participate. James Dontas of Luton Airport Operations says "We do not intend to expand the group any further" which effectively shuts the Harpenden voice. So we have engaged with Bim Afolami MP for Harpenden & Hitchin who has agreed to try & persuade them to change their minds. You may want to encourage Bim in this regard.

Will continue to keep you updated as the CAA Performance Impact Review of the RNAV flightpath should be available in the relatively near future. Thankyou for your support.

October 2017: Progress On RNAV Airtraffic Noise Relief

CAA Performance Impact Review
We have sent the HarpendenSky submission on the failings of RNAV to the CAA CEO Andrew Haines as part of the Performance Impact Review [PIR] which will be complemented by similar reports from Bim Afolami MP and the St Albans Quieter Skies [STAQS] campaign. We expect the PIR to start in October 2017 and will request updates.

St Albans District Council Luton Airport Working Group [SADCLAWG]
We have had the first meeting of the new SADCLAWG which has agreed aims, structure and initial issues to resolve including the first priority CAA PIR submission which is underway now. The group will meet four times per annum to provide a consolidation point for the main local campaign groups and input to the LLACC NTSC meetings. It is expected the group will connect with other town councils in Hertfordshire.

March 2017: Important Guidance On CAA Assessment

During the period Feb to September 2017 Luton Airport [LA] will be monitoring noise complaints ahead of a formal CAA review of the LA RNAV routing implementation for westerly departures, which will decide if it has been a success or not. According to the original LA RNAV Briefing "The overall intention is to agree a track which has the least noise impact for local communities, improve the tightness of track-keeping by the aircraft, and then consider deploying the new technology on other routes from the Airport". In the opinion of HarpendenSky it has been completely unsuccessful but this must be demonstrated to the CAA. These are the CAA outcome criteria from the review which is called a Post Implementation Review that will commence in October 2017. See CAA PIA Schedule: https://www.caa.co.uk/Commercial-industry/Airspace/Airspace-change/Reviews/Luton-runway-26-PIR/

[Option 1] The proposal is accepted as having met the original aim of the airspace change & the process ends.
[Option 2] The proposal has not met the original aim with remedial work being undertaken to rectify the situation.
[Option 3] The proposal has not met the original aim to the extent that the airspace reverts [where possible] to its original state.

It is important to realise that noise complaint data prior to Feb 2017 will not be used by the CAA PIA. So the message is that your noise complaints should now be formalised whenever you consider it justified to noise@ltn.aero stating the approx time, date of the flight. Please encourage your neighbours to do the same.

January 2017: Luton Airtraffic Noise Campaign Update

This is the latest position based upon remediation actions to reduce the impact on Harpenden of Luton Airtraffic noise arising from westerly departures. It is the summary of meetings involving HarpendenSky.com during Oct/Nov with Luton Flight Operations who have agreed the content of this message. We will keep you updated.

[1] 10k Feet For All Flights Starting From Redbourn Turn
A new working party is being formed now with NATS to build an action plan by Jan 2017 that will work on the flightpath from the Redbourn turn that allows all aircraft to continue gaining height upto 10k feet. This will include phraseology agreed between ATC & pilots that ensures a consistent reaction to clearance upto 10k rather than the sporadic or more cautious approach as currently.

[2] RNAV Fix
To enable all Luton departing aircraft to follow the RNAV routing around the Redbourn turn which should be implemented Feb 2017. This will then trigger data collection for the CAA Post Implementation Review [PIR] which will then start around Sept 2017. The CAA aim is to establish if RNAV met the original Luton Airport Operations objective.

[3] RNP Implementation
RNP is a more precise navigation system. The potential RNP centreline would be between 200M & 800M south of the current RNAV centreline at various points along the flightpath. The existing centreline is just over 1kM south of Harpenden so this would put the new centreline between 1.2kM and 1.8kM south of Harpenden [these designs are still in draft & nothing has been confirmed at present]. As RNP is more accurate than RNAV, then this would ensure a better adherence to the centreline, meaning that weather effects should not push aircraft north and closer to Harpenden.

[4] LAMP [London Airspace Modification Program] Next Phase
Luton Airport Operations are discussing with NATS & other airports the possibility of moving arrival stacks away from this region & at an increased height earlier than currently planned.

[5] Traffic Volume
There has been no noticeable downturn in Luton Airport passenger/flight volume post-Brexit.

For Luton Airport easterly departures there is a plan to introduce an RNAV/RNP style model which will go to consultation but no precise timetable as yet.

October 2016: Luton Westerly Departure Changes Planned

On 6Oct there was a stakeholder meeting hosted by Luton Airport [LA] to confirm changes to be implemented that are planned to reduce the impact of airtraffic noise resulting from the recent introduction of the RNAV routing. This is a summary of the main points all of which relate primarily to increasing the height of Luton airtraffic on the westerly departures route which has generated the most complaints.

[1] Increased Height: In the short term LA are assessing the viability with NATS of implementing a procedural change that will remove a conflict with Heathrow airtraffic enabling Luton westerly departures to move from 4000 to 5000 feet.

[2] Increased Height: As part of [1] LA are looking to increase aircraft "rate of climb" so that when airspace is available they should be at a much higher altitude in the Harpenden, Sandridge, St Albans area.

[3] Reduced Overflights: LA are also looking to introduce the latest navigation technology that will enable the flightpath width to be reduced to 50M compared to 500M currently which will further assist in reducing community overflights.

We really need your support in continuing to complain to noise@ltn.aero when flights cause disturbance [flight approx time & date] & to engage your local councillors & MP to accelerate these LA initiatives.

June 2016: Rerouting Unsatisfactory For Harpenden Residents

The new RNAV routing for Luton Airport westerly departures has not been successful with a 45% increase in noise complaints for the first quarter following the implementation [Source: Luton Airport Quarterly Monitoring Report]. HarpendenSky has been in contact with Luton Airport flight operations, the National Air Transport Service [NATS] and the Department of Transport to progress the issue.

August 2015: RNAV Routing Implemented

We have received this Luton Airport confirmation of the route change.

"We've finally got some good news on our RNAV airspace application. The CAA have given it informal approval which means we can now make the relevant submissions to introduce the change in procedure, which should commence from 20th August 2015".

February 2015: Latest News On Route Change Progress

The Operations Director of Luton Airport provided an update on the RNAV1 trial outcome to HarpendenSky.com & the next steps to achieve a permanent change to westerly departures flying across west, central and south Harpenden - these were the main points:

- Westerly Luton Airport departure route [Brookmans Park] applies to 70% of airtraffic leaving the airport

- The new routing that would apply once CAA approval is granted will use a GPS rather than beacon system

- The RNAV1 trial in 2014 was successful & there were 1,400 participants in the questionnaire of which 90% were in favour

- An additional RNAV1 benefit of lower fuel burn is a significant bonus to environmental & fuel cost considerations

- The CAA is due to report on the application for the route change to a far more concentrated flightpath which avoids Harpenden by end March

- If the outcome is positive, then the changes can be implemented within 2 months

- Once this change is completed, Luton has confirmed that further routes will be tackled using the same principles.
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